ABOUTThe Victorian 86/BRZ Club is a volunteer, not-for-profit organisation, consisting of 600+ group members who share their passion for racing and their cars. Hosting a wide range of events such as race days, meet ups and cruises, the VIC 86/BRZ Club provides its members with many opportunities to showcase their cars. Our members are passionate about their cars and motorsport, as well as their club community. | MEet your committeeThe driving force behind the club is the committee which is made up of dedicated volunteers. The committee are nominated within the club based on their strengths and skills. The aim of the committee is to help run and facilitate the smooth operation behind the scenes to ensure the club meets all of our requirements to continue as an association and not for profit. Foremost, we want to ensure you enjoy your time within the group. |
Content building blocksThis theme uses content gadgets as building blocks. Colored lines at the top of each gadget on this page are added using separate content gadgets with a background color. This allows you to use any number of colors to highlight logical parts of your web site, break page in to blocks, and arrange your message so the most important information is visible right away. The look of the theme can be customized by simply choosing different spacing for gadgets and selecting background colors that are best fit for your association. Taking colors from your association logo is in most cases the right way to go. |